> I agree with you in that the future of music relies on
> innovation and breaking boundaries. Though, I think
> that there is a point where music is no longer music
> and it just becomes an racket (damn, I sound like my
> dad!!!). It must be a progressive 'breaking of
> boundaries' with constant references to the past and
> present otherwise it is not recognised as 'music'. I'm
> sure music in 1000 years will sound a lot different
> than music today (if it still exists), but you can't
> just jump there now. It cannot be created in such a
> way.

Nothin' wrong with trying tho.


> Dj Pacific:)
> --- Tom Churchill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Jeff Mills gets a lot of respect for his
> > production
> > > though I don't think it's all that great. Maybe
> > Jeff
> > > Mills used to be good but I feel he's surpassed by
> > the
> > > likes of Claude Young. Jeff's too busy messing
> > about
> > > making so called experimental tunes when he should
> > be
> > > knocking dancefloor tunes together. How far must
> > we
> > > keep 'pushing the boundaries'?
> >
> > If every composer thought like that, there would be
> > no progression in
> > music at all. Pushing the boundaries is essential,
> > and these 'so
> > called experimental tunes' are vital to stop a scene
> > stagnating. Sure,
> > experimenting just for the sake of being
> > unconventional doesn't always
> > result in good music, but breaking the rules is how
> > every important
> > musical genre was created.
> >
> > And why on earth 'should' Jeff be 'knocking
> > dancefloor tunes
> > together'? There's a million other producers out
> > there that keep the
> > market flooded with dancefloor techno (Ben Sims
> > included). It seems
> > like you're dissing Mills for failing to fit in to
> > the scene which has
> > sprung up as a result of people taking some of the
> > basic ideas of some
> > of his past production and copying them. They, and
> > you, may have
> > missed the point. People are preoccupied with
> > emulating the specific
> > sound of the music, instead of being inspired by the
> > attitude/state of
> > mind that created it...
> >
> > :::::::::::: tom churchill :::::::::::::
> > ::::::::: headspace recordings :::::::::
> > : http://www.headspacerecordings.co.uk :
> > ::: e: [EMAIL PROTECTED] :::
> > ::::::::::: t: 07976 898514 ::::::::::::
> >
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