As I've said twice already, I'm not having a go at
Jeff's production or any forward thinking producers.
Any TRUE forward thinking producers that is. I'm sure
everyone realises how techno has previously taken flak
because it's apparently easy to produce and that any
joe can have a go.

I'm not against progression and I'm not against Mills.
I don't think he's as good as ppl give him credit for
though.  This is the molehill that this volcanic
mountain sprang from. Who the heck is Ben Sims
anyway??? I forget now;)

I agree with you in that the future of music relies on
innovation and breaking boundaries. Though, I think
that there is a point where music is no longer music
and it just becomes an racket (damn, I sound like my
dad!!!). It must be a progressive 'breaking of
boundaries' with constant references to the past and
present otherwise it is not recognised as 'music'. I'm
sure music in 1000 years will sound a lot different
than music today (if it still exists), but you can't
just jump there now. It cannot be created in such a

Dj Pacific:)

--- Tom Churchill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Jeff Mills gets a lot of respect for his
> production
> > though I don't think it's all that great. Maybe
> Jeff
> > Mills used to be good but I feel he's surpassed by
> the
> > likes of Claude Young. Jeff's too busy messing
> about
> > making so called experimental tunes when he should
> be
> > knocking dancefloor tunes together. How far must
> we
> > keep 'pushing the boundaries'?
> If every composer thought like that, there would be
> no progression in
> music at all. Pushing the boundaries is essential,
> and these 'so
> called experimental tunes' are vital to stop a scene
> stagnating. Sure,
> experimenting just for the sake of being
> unconventional doesn't always
> result in good music, but breaking the rules is how
> every important
> musical genre was created.
> And why on earth 'should' Jeff be 'knocking
> dancefloor tunes
> together'? There's a million other producers out
> there that keep the
> market flooded with dancefloor techno (Ben Sims
> included). It seems
> like you're dissing Mills for failing to fit in to
> the scene which has
> sprung up as a result of people taking some of the
> basic ideas of some
> of his past production and copying them. They, and
> you, may have
> missed the point. People are preoccupied with
> emulating the specific
> sound of the music, instead of being inspired by the
> attitude/state of
> mind that created it...
> :::::::::::: tom churchill :::::::::::::
> ::::::::: headspace recordings :::::::::
> : :
> ::: e: [EMAIL PROTECTED] :::
> ::::::::::: t: 07976 898514 ::::::::::::
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