there isn't much crossover in the birthplace of hip hop in the south
bronx/upper manhattan. when i'd go to the police athletics league gym on
118st and manhattan ave. any house, electro or techno cds i put on promptly
got thrown off and replaced by hot 97 (bringing you blazin hip hop). i
declined to dj at our block party because it was patently obvious that
nobody was interested in hearing anything but hip hop (and the electric
slide, of course). but block parties are a genre of their own.

>>> I know plenty of current hip hop fans who are also massively into techno.
>>> Its certainly not true to say that hating techno is an ingrained part of the
>>> culture, as was suggested in the original post.
>>> Also, we need to be clear here on whether were talking about B-boys or Puff
>>> Daddy fans...
>>> Sean.

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