On Dec 3, 2007 11:19 AM, Toby Frith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How do you define Pop?  I would say that Daft Punk's overt manipulation of 
> image and how
> they present both their music and themselves is up in the higher echelons of 
> pop music
> alongside Kraftwerk, Sparks et al. In fact it's rumoured that they have taken 
> the latter's robot
> persona to another level - in that they don't actually play at their own gigs.

is their image really all that different to UR, basic channel, KDJ,
etc? are they pop simply because more people listen to their music? i
mean, "da funk" is nothing substantially different from many other
house tunes, yet people who dont know anything about dance music still
like it. i dont see how any element of that song makes it pop aside
from the fact that large numbers of people like it. and if that is the
only definition, then who cares? kraftwerk were pop music by that


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