> i don't see it as cross-pollination, but rather classical
> dudes playing contemporary music, possibly to get in touch
> with the younger masses, to show that you can be hip even
> for a classical dude, or something along those lines...

i can understand that cynicism, but give the music a chance..i thought
the same when c2 announced he was doing jazz stuff, but it turned out
to be pretty respectable and decent stuff. and anyways, the classical
guys who want to be hip are playing with kanye west and jay z and rock
bands and stuff..i don't think classical and techno are an obvious
match, but they fit...they're both very composed musics...

there is classical stuff out there i find pretty contemporary...and
just watching yo yo ma will make you break into a sweat, he rocks as
hard or harder than any rocker or technodork :P

enjoy frankfurt!

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