as another person actually running a record "store", i'm with tom.

@jeff...what does it matter if bnent crayon has loads of records
listed that they don't have? i don't see how that's a useful
forced exposure is not much better. they've also screwed up my order a
couple times.

i think gramaphone looks pretty promising, as long as they keep
ordering new records.

the best online record store in the usa is sure, all
the more undeground/good stuff sells out fast, but their re-order
system works very well. click a button, it gets re-ordered, you get an
email when it's back in. very fast shipping, affordable shipping and
frequent shipping deals (free over $50). this place reminds me of how
groovetech used to be.

On Jan 22, 2008 11:17 AM, Thomas D. Cox, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 22, 2008 11:10 AM, robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > That's what managers are for Tom. To make that _not_ the case.
> eh, as someone who works at a shop where we have a database that
> updates immediately if someone buys something in the shop or from our
> shop online, when you use other methods of selling (gemm, musicstack,
> discogs, etc) that don't automatically access and change the database
> i can tell you it gets very confusing trying to do 20 things at a time
> for an order and keep it all straight. it is easier if you have the
> same person doing it all the time! manager or no.....
> tom

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