Little defence on this one: let me compare with my favourite and local store 
(which as those from Manchester on the list will tell
you I kind of inhabit and know them so well I often "serve myself" straight 
from their file etc.) Piccadilly Records (I'm sure 95% of people on here know them but 
for those that don't I don't just shop there so much
as they're local, they're top notch both online and walk in IMHO).
They file in the way you obviously prefer, i.e. by surname.  The only thing is 
this creates one big problem:  that's all fine if it
was nothing but genuine artist name (e.g. "Kenny Larkin" file under "L") or 
band name ("Octave One" file under "O") but there are
many that fall in a grey area in between (I haven't got brilliant examples 
right now but just glancing at their site I see "Dan
Electro").  It's a shame I haven't got good examples as without them it seems 
like it isn't a BIG problem, just one a little
experience or at worst 2 tries will sort out.  But, if you can, take it from me 
on trust, it is a big problem and so many times you
don't know where the heck to look for stuff, you could go (as they do) "Dan 
Electro, made up name = band name, file under D" or you
could go "OK it's made up but still file under E" but then there's another case 
"in between" which you can't make your mind up
about.  Sometimes there are 3 possible locations for a record.  I actually 
think I like the other system you say that shop is using

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anton Banks ( [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 23 January 2008 12:26
> First off - they've always filed the records by artists FIRST name so
> you'll find your Derrick May, for example, in the "D" section - not the "M"
> now how often do you recall the first name of an artist but always remember
> the last name?  For me it's about 98% because I'm afflicted with record
> store amnesia.  You know, you go into a shop and forget not only the names
> of the records you are looking for but your name as well.
> For some reason the owner thought he had to reinvent the wheel but he made
> it square.

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