That's a mystery in so many ways.  I tried figuring it out by looking
at the message source but I couldn't tell what was triggering GMail
into acting nutty. Unless Placid wants to change mail clients, we're
stuck with it. As much as I like GMail, sending a question to their
support team has never gotten me a reply, and they make it really hard
to figure out how to even ask them a question.

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 3:18 PM, Thomas D. Cox, Jr.
> On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 3:39 PM, kent williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > I don't think it's actually random -- it has something to do with
>  >  stuff it finds in the mail header -- if someone sends you an
>  >  HTML-format email the reply will be 'Rich formatting' because it will
>  >  try to preserve the formatting in the quoted message.
>  hmm, im not entirely sure if that's right either. i have mine set to
>  ALWAYS use plain text and i have never had it reply in any other
>  manner, no matter what it was in reply to.
>  BTW, what is placid's email's craziness about? i get no text and like
>  a blank .txt file attatched.
>  tom

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