Bryan Creer writes:
| Toni Schilling said -
| >Are there any rules how to join the fight?
| Although there seems to be a refreshing change in atmosphere lately, the
| rules used to be -
| You are not entitled to an opinion if you are new to the list.
| You are not entitled to an opinion if you are not a developer.
| You are not entitled to an opinion unless you agree with everything the
| establishment (aka "We who like it the way it is.") think.

These can all be summarized as:  You may post anything you like,  but
the  others  are  then  expected to flame you royally if you disagree
from their own ideas.

This is pretty much the same as any other mailing list, of course.

| That last one can be tricky since they hold some diametrically different
| views.  Sometimes one person holds diametrically different views at the same
| time.

One of my favorite quotations:

The test of a first-rate intelligence is  the  ability  to  hold  two
opposed  ideas  in  the  mind  at the same time, and still retain the
ability to function.
  -- F.  Scott Fitzgerald

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