> I can't help feeling that the subject of this thread is no longer
> entirely
> appropriate.
> Any way...
> Laurie Griffiths said -
> >but decided that I had arrogated to myself the right to
> >speak for the entire ABC users community
> On the contrary.  I felt you were claiming the right to disregard the
> community while speaking for a small group who seemed to claim
> ownership of
> ABC without justification.

Bryan actually has a good point here. We all have a tendency to regard
"the ABC users community" as identical to "the abcusers list
subscribers". We could all be a bit more cautious here.

But, Bryan - and everybody else:
It seems to me we're spending a lot of time and energy discussing water
under the bridge here. How about shaking hands and let bygones be
bygones? Is it possible?
I ask mainly because I think the mode/key sig discussion was rather
important, and we really ought to finnish it. But recently even
mentioning the subject has been impossible.

Frank Nordberg

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