On 02/03/01 at 19.56 Laura Conrad wrote:

>>>>>> "Toni" == Toni Schilling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>    Toni> Could you give me a hint where to find the new abc standard
>    Toni> discussing. (saves me from clicking)
>Look at the directory
>The file abc.txt is the actual official 1.6 standard.
>The file abc-draft.txt is the draft standard as Chris Walshaw left it.
>abc2abcdraft.txt is one possible format for specifying changes, as
>applied to the changes between abc.txt and abc-draft.txt.
>The other files are experiments on the part of the ABC standards
>committee to produce a process that is both friendly and unambiguous
>for specifying changes to the standard.  The ones that are essentially
>other formats for abc.txt are called standard.*, and include pdf,
>html, and txt versions of the information in abc.txt.  The ones called
>standard-propose.* are the equivalent for abc-draft.txt.  

I suppose that this ought to be officially announced on the abc home page. In case you 
have forgotten it, that's where real abcusers usually look from time to time for 
infos, in hope it had been updated a bit more frequently than on a quarterly base...

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