On Tue, 29 Aug 2006 23:27:00 +0200, Wiggins d'Anconia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It really does seem like he just wants the learn.perl.org domain to
point to the site he created. Of course this is the web, and if the
content is that good it really doesn't matter what domain you have.

Check the archives....


I think that all three sites (perlmeme.org/, learn.perl.org and perl-begin.berlios.de/) look like most of the sites back when I had an Amiga 1200 :eek:

You can pick just about any website of any other "web" programming language and it's much much better. Not just from design point, but more importantly content.

Perl needs better marketing/PR. And beside sites for beginers it needs better advocation to business type people.

It also has lot's of misconceptions behind it - that should also be addressed. Stuff like scripting language, slow, perl = cgi, cobol of the web ...

Now instead of insulting each other, maybe we can actualy start doing something about it in a more productive way?

BTW. Is there anyone on this list who is familiar with Public Relations?

PS. Don't get me wrong - there is much more to Perl than just web programmig, but it's one of it's bigest markets - also the one that brougth worlds attention to it.

Aleksandar Petrović

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