On 27 Apr, 2008, at 13:58, Andy Lester wrote:

So we're decided then.

http://history.perl.org/PerlTimeline.html will remain untouched, to remain the sole property of Elaine Ashton.

Meanwhile, the Neanderthals will be working on a new collaborative, current history that belongs to the community. This history page is at http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl5/index.cgi?history

Yes, lets create as much grief as possible because the little boys didn't get the answer they wanted.

As I said, I was interested in just about anything but a wiki until somebody coughed up some actual sort of work.

If you want to be an asshole, well, there's a reason you're commonly referred to as Andy Fuckhead.

I thank Elaine for providing the catalyst for this new endeavor.

Yes, by saying no to a wiki after having my project insulted but leaving the door open to anyone who actually had something to offer, you've chosen the usual path, the one I could count on which is to fork it, shit on it and generally leave it once the dust has settled.

You don't need to thank me, you were going that way to begin with anyway.


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