On Apr 26, 2008, at 10:40 PM, Andy Lester wrote:

On Apr 26, 2008, at 10:00 PM, Elaine Ashton wrote:

throwing onto some damn wiki and hoping someone else will do the work for you.

Not to speak for Shlomi, but I suspect his purpose of putting something on a wiki isn't to get other people to do the work for him, but to allow others to work on it. Makes it much easier to let things be maintained rather than having something lie fallow for six years.

To be clear, the wiki proposal was mine (for better or worse) not Shlomi's. Shlomi responded lukewarmly toward the proposal.

The value I see in wikis is not that hundreds of people can edit (i.e. regress a document toward the mean), but that some can walk away when they are done editing.


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