Say you have an elevated cube 2’ x 2’.
In our latitude, the sun rises north east and sets north west during summer.  
So in the early morning, you will need a wall on the north east side.  That 
will will have to continue around the cube until it is in the north west.  And 
the top of it will have to be covered during mid day.  So you are really 
looking at a sphere with a doorway cut out of it on the north side if you truly 
want it to be totally in shade all day long in the summer.  

From: Brian Webster 
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2021 10:27 AM
To: 'AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group' 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Solar and shade for AE Fiber Cabinet

Figuring out how/where you need to have a device to shade a box should be the 
exact same process and figuring out the best place to mount a solar panel 
shouldn’t it? If fact wouldn’t logic dictate that you put in a solar panel, 
harvest the energy AND have it be the shading method as well?


Thank you,

Brian Webster


From: AF [] On Behalf Of Adam Moffett
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2021 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Solar and shade for AE Fiber Cabinet


Shade moves, but maybe you only concern yourself with where the sun is during 
the hottest 4 hours of summer days.


On 7/9/2021 10:24 PM, Chuck McCown via AF wrote:

  That is a good point, shade moves.  So the shield will have to be big and 
maybe have vertical features.  I did shades.  Something convinced me they were 
not worth the effort.

  Sent from my iPhone

  On Jul 9, 2021, at 8:16 PM, Bill Prince wrote:


    Those are options. For sure, black will both absorb more and radiate more. 
The question is if you can keep it shaded. If not, then white is the choice. 


    In a perfect world, you would paint it chameleon. White in the sun, and 
black in the shade/dark.






    On Fri, Jul 9, 2021 at 6:47 PM Chuck McCown via AF <> wrote:

      Someone ought to test that.

      Sent from my iPhone

      On Jul 9, 2021, at 7:40 PM, Steve Jones <> wrote:


        I could have sworn it was afmug sourced, but somewhere along the line I 
picked up that a shaded enclosure will actually perform better if it is a dark 
color. The whites and reflective colors are better at reflecting energy off of 
them, but not at dissipating it, dark colors shed heat better. In a shaded 
environment reflectivity is moot. 



        On Fri, Jul 9, 2021, 11:09 AM Chuck McCown via AF <> 

          My tests had very little live load.  I think only 100 watts so that 
is probably the major difference.

          We just use a color called satellite white.  I don’t think it matters 


          From: castarritt 

          Sent: Friday, July 9, 2021 9:26 AM

          To: AnimalFarm Microwave Users Group 

          Subject: Re: [AFMUG] Solar and shade for AE Fiber Cabinet


          Chuck, is there a specific paint you used to shield against solar 
radiation?  I rolled a gallon of white elastomeric roof coating from home depot 
onto one of our DDB boxes, and while it did drop the temp slightly, the results 
weren't that impressive.  I think the issue with our test is we chose a site 
that has ~1.2kW of power draw, so most of the heat was likely from the 
equipment in the box rather than direct sunlight.


          On Fri, Jul 2, 2021 at 1:21 PM Chuck McCown via AF <> 

            20+ years ago, I set up 4 identical outdoor enclosures.  Temp 
telemetry.  Some live load, don’t remember the details.  They were about 24” 
cubes.  All started out as gray.  Tried sun shields, exterior insulation, 
vents, fans, peltier cooling modules.  Silver paint, white paint.  The 
overwhelming #1 thing that lowered temps was the satellite white paint.  By a 
long stretch.  Then filtered powered vents.  Silver paint was worse than gray.  
I wonder if the railroad still used silver.  Sun shades did little to help if 
the box was satellite white.  Interior styrofoam insulation helped a bit, not 
much, but was cheap and easy to add to the white paint.

            Sent from my iPhone

            On Jul 2, 2021, at 11:39 AM, Sterling Jacobson 
<> wrote:


              Super hot out here in Utah.


              My fiber cabinets running Active switches are getting harder to 
maintain and AC units on the side of the cabinets are starting to fail faster.


              I’ve had the thought of shading them with a permanent four post 
structure and a reflective white painted cover to shade them from the southern 
sun exposure.


              Then I thought, well, maybe it might be interesting to “shade” 
the cabinet with solar panels as well.


              Is anyone doing this?


              The AE cabinets all have Alpha FXM 15 or 20A units running the 
UPS to a string of four 12v AGM batteries.


              I do have limited rack space in some of these available since the 
batteries sit in a slide out section below.


              Haven’t done solar in like a decade since I had remote WISP type 


              Is this doable to offset power costs and also get the temp down 
for the cabinet?


              Or is it just a huge time suck and money pit for no real return?

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