On 10/26/14, 15:11, Chuck McCown via Af wrote:
Those generacs have lots of interconnections between the transfer switch
and the generator.  They may be able to do a two wire start, but I would
not count on it.  I have installed lots of  them and it seems like there
is about 8 control wire.

I would say such a generator is the wrong tool for this kind of job if it can't handle a two wire start signal.

Here's a crappy 30-second one line diagram for a normal situation. But I also don't use generators that mandate some proprietary transfer switch. The last thing I'll say on this topic is to avoid ghetto hack solutions or utility-to-utility transfers, because it really is straightforward (and safe) with the right tools for the job. If you want to hack something and are dead set on Generac, then hack it to come up with a universal two wire contact closure start input, not everything else around it.


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