The issue was the implied inclusiveness.  That is the way it was sold.

Maybe it could do 70 Mbps.

Maybe it could go 70 miles.

Maybe it could support 70 PMP customers.

But it could not do all 3 at the same time.

Whatcha want Bunky; 70 Mbps, 70 miles, or 70 PMP customers?   Pick one.


On 2/21/2015 2:09 PM, Chuck McCown wrote:
I remember one WiMax guy putting on a sales pitch for rural telcos probably 10 years ago saying it will so 70 Mbps at 70 Miles for 70 PMP customers. I called BS on him right in the meeting. Almost got ejected for not being polite. It is true, I was not terribly polite.

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