Nicotine is a hunger suppressant.  Just sayin.

More seriously.....I have a hard time exercising for the sake of exercise. I find I can push 10x harder if there's a real task to do. So for example, I have a foundation issue to investigate and I told my father in law "no thank you" on borrowing his backhoe and I'm digging 8' down with a pick and shovel. Full body workout in progress.

About the only exercise that I'll do for it's own sake is a long walk. The problem with that is walking far enough to make a difference occupies a lot of time.

------ Original Message ------
Sent: 8/29/2016 1:34:58 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Fit Bit

Coffee and alcohol are not very high on my shopping list.

From:Sean Heskett
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Fit Bit

nuts are great for you as long as they are not salted or candied. Lots of great protein in nuts and they are a natural food. read the label and make sure the only ingredients are nuts, if you see anything else listed then move on.

the "diet industry" has us programmed to count calories but all calories are not made equally (actually burned equally would be a better phrase).

start reading the ingredient list and make sure you are eating as much natural food as possible with as little sugar as possible. don't put sugar or sweeter in your coffee either, drink it black.

you will go into withdrawals and start craving sugar like a crack addict but just always keep it in your head "is there added sugars in what i'm eating?"

instead of eating ice-cream grab some greek plain greek yogurt (again check the label because sometimes they add sugar to even the plain yogurt) and put some fresh fruit on top.

you for sure need the wife on board. if the bad food is around it will get eaten so toss it out and start over. after about 3-4 weeks it will be habit and be pretty easy but getting thru the first month of sugar withdrawals is actually hard.


On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 11:12 AM, <> wrote:
Yeah, I just got back from England and jumped on the scale.  Arrgh.
I don’t drink sugared sodas so that is no problem, but my wife does buy candy. And I snack on nuts all the time too but I know they are pretty high calories.

So, baby carrots and hummis I guess.

I can lose weight, much easier if my wife is on board.
We are empty nesters now and I am hoping to convince to help me with this.

From:Sean Heskett
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 11:02 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Fit Bit

5 things that will help you loose and keep weight off

1. no Alcohol (you probably already do this chuck) or only a drink or two per week 2. no added sugar. check every label on the food you eat and buy the stuff without sugar or as little sugar as possible. the low fat stuff usually means they added sugar so avoid it like the plague. especially avoid high fructose corn sweetener. 3. no bread or very little bread. instead of a sandwich throw all the sandwich fixins on a salad or lettuce wrap. or in the winter eat soup (for some reason salad is not appetizing to me in the winter...prolly because i'm already cold lol) 4. healthy snacks with no added sugar. get all your sugars from fruits if you can (your body needs some sugar). unsalted nuts are good, cheese as long as it's not in excess is good protein too. 5. 30 minutes of some kind of exercise. walk, bike, go to the gym, whatever, just move around for 30 min.

you'd be amazed at what cutting out all the crappy sugar can do. their is already a lot of sugar in everything we eat so try to cut it out as much as possible.

I dropped 15lbs pretty quick once i got rid of sugar, alcohol (which turns into sugar), and bread (carbs that turn into sugar). the awesome thing is the weight stayed off since i've programmed myself to avoid sugar.

2 cents, good luck!!


On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 10:20 AM, <> wrote:
Thinking of getting a fitness tracker.  Getting too fat this summer.
Does the fit bit only work with an iPhone? How do you charge them and get the data out? I am still running my iPhone 4 and bound and determined to use it until it no longer works.

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