Stop listening to alt-facts, fake news.


Politifact says that is not true.


If we look specifically at sex offences, which the Fox News segment 
highlighted, there were 18,100 sex offenses reported to the police in 2015, 
down 11 percent from 2014, according to the  
 Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention.

The number of rapes reported decreased 12 percent between 2014 and 2015, to 
5,920, the agency reported. The council noted that in Sweden, when a single 
case is reported, every incident associated with the case is also reported as 
an offense during the same year.

The amount of reported rape offenses has gone up in the last 10 years 
(2006-15), which the agency said can be partially attributed to new legislation 
in 2005 that augmented the types of acts that can be classified as rape.

"The effect of the statutory change appeared in the statistics such that the 
number of reported offences in respect of sexual coercion and exploitation 
declined in the years immediately following the statutory change while the 
number of reported rapes increased," according to the agency. In 2013, a rape 
offense was broadened "to include cases where the victim reacts passively."

And on crime


"In general, crime statistics have gone down the last (few) years, and no there 
is no evidence to suggest that new waves of immigration has lead to increased 


From: Af [] On Behalf Of Cameron Crum
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Politics


I think any rational person who has followed the news about the refugee 
situation in Europe would have figured out exactly what he meant. A 70% 
increase in rapes in the last couple years in Sweden is a pretty good 
indication that there is a problem there. If any city, let alone our whole 
country, had seen this much of an increase, you know you'd be hearing about it. 
Swedish authorities took a lot of heat for covering up the number of assaults 
recently at the Stockholm Music Festival, but I don't think to many news 
outlets over here even reported it.



On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 3:43 PM, Chuck McCown < 
<> > wrote:

2 & 2 is 22, give the guy some credit

-----Original Message----- From: Bill Prince Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 
2:30 PM To: <>  Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT 

No. He heard "something" on Fox about "something" in Sweden. He put 2 and 2 
together and got 11.


On 2/20/2017 1:22 PM, Chuck McCown wrote:

I am guessing something happened in some other country and he got confused.
Or, better yet, he was spilling the beans on some kind of intelligence without 

-----Original Message----- From: Bill Prince
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 1:41 PM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT Politics

Is that what happened in Sweden? Sweden! Sweden? Sweden!

Really? Sweden?!?


On 2/20/2017 11:37 AM, <>  wrote:

>From the news:

Russia's ambassador to the United Nations . . .  died suddenly after falling 
ill Monday in his office at the mission.

We all know what that means...




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