decriminalizing maintains the control, keeps people limited to user amounts
only, doesnt turn a junkie into a felon whose life is effectively over, but
the drug dealers can still be put in prison where they go.

On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 10:58 PM, Josh Reynolds <>

> If you legalize but tax, there still can be room for a competitor's
> product that is... Ahem tax free.
> It's a slipper slope, because if you are taxing it, you are also
> regulating it.
> It's crazy ... We allow alcohol but ban weed. Alcohol is disasterous!
> You can sell homeopathic snake oil, but if you have a couple of mushrooms
> you found under cowshit in a field you can go to prison.
> This is all so stupid.
> ... But hey, D.A.R.E.
> On Tue, Apr 17, 2018, 10:43 PM Steve Jones <>
> wrote:
>> I like pissing off cartels
>> I always preferred decriminalization to legalization, maintains a
>> secondary effective tax to offset the byproduct cost in treatment, etc.
>> On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 10:27 PM, Josh Reynolds <>
>> wrote:
>>> Decriminalize drugs except in the event of endangering the welfare of a
>>> child, or risking life/limb of another person.
>>> Drugs are a personal choice. If Jimbo isn't hurting anybody by coming
>>> home and the end of a day and smoking a joint, or maybe using mushrooms or
>>> MDA to help overcome emotional trauma, or for religious reasons, who's
>>> business is that?
>>> Hard drugs are often done to escape inward or to damage onesself or to
>>> feel something or just... Feel. The root problem is mental health. Let
>>> people get clean needles in a controlled setting and give them access to
>>> talk to someone. It's had amazing effects in those mentioned contries.
>>> Oh yeah, it'll right piss off the cartels too.
>>> On Tue, Apr 17, 2018, 9:47 PM Steve Jones <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> theres no shortage of criminals
>>>> On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 6:47 PM, Josh Reynolds <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I wish we would treat drugs here like they do in Spain and Portugal,
>>>>> but how would our for-profit prison system, police and federal law
>>>>> enforcement get money?
>>>>> On Tue, Apr 17, 2018, 6:42 PM Steve Jones <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Thats heroin that permantly alters the opoid receptors in the brain,
>>>>>> the molecule is slightly larger than the normal brain chemical (dopamine 
>>>>>> i
>>>>>> think) its replacing, so the receptor is enlarged. Its actually that 
>>>>>> first
>>>>>> use that is why doing heroin is called chasing the dragon, people are
>>>>>> seeking to replicate that first high but never can because the 
>>>>>> physiologic
>>>>>> change only happens once so its like chasing a dragon
>>>>>> On Tue, Apr 17, 2018, 6:18 PM Josh Reynolds <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> That's Fake News.
>>>>>>> On Tue, Apr 17, 2018, 2:21 PM Nate Burke <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I thought I heard somewhere that any use of Meth, even once,
>>>>>>>> permanently
>>>>>>>> alters the brain chemistry.  So it's not a 'recreational' drug, and
>>>>>>>> why
>>>>>>>> it's so addictive.
>>>>>>>> On 4/17/2018 2:11 PM, Jay Weekley wrote:
>>>>>>>> > Anything that makes me not want to eat or sleep isn't for me.  I
>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>> > those too much.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > Chuck McCown wrote:
>>>>>>>> >> If I am going to use bath salts, they are called Epsom and they
>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>> >> dissolved in hot water...
>>>>>>>> >> Not really clear what they mean by bath salts.
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> I was prescribed Xanax once.  Made me sleepy.
>>>>>>>> >> Pot was not my thing back in the 70s...
>>>>>>>> >> (I preferred Olympia, Blitz, Rainier, Hamms, Miller, Heineken,
>>>>>>>> Henry
>>>>>>>> >> Winehards Private Reserve...)
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> Not really sure what meth does to you but I know it is horribly
>>>>>>>> >> addictive and ruins everyone that gets hooked.
>>>>>>>> >> I guess it is a version of speed.  But no direct experience with
>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> >> either.  Not wanting anything that cause my hear to race.
>>>>>>>> >> Coke Zero does that enough for me.
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> My wife lived on Oxy after a pair of horrific surgeries
>>>>>>>> >> (decompression of the spine, harrington rods, 14 lag screws into
>>>>>>>> her
>>>>>>>> >> vertebrae).
>>>>>>>> >> But she didn't get hooked.  Claimed it worked really well.
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> -----Original Message----- From: Jay Weekley
>>>>>>>> >> Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 12:08 PM
>>>>>>>> >> To:
>>>>>>>> >> Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT: very OT. Scumbag parents
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> I understand opiods, Xanax and pot but meth just doesn't sound
>>>>>>>> like fun
>>>>>>>> >> and bath salts has to be the lowest of lows.  Granted, all I
>>>>>>>> know about
>>>>>>>> >> bath salts are the videos I've come across.
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> Steve Jones wrote:
>>>>>>>> >>> They released the report, they seized appox 70 grams of xanax,
>>>>>>>> 16
>>>>>>>> >>> doses od suboxone (essentially heroin) 11.8 grams of bath
>>>>>>>> salts.
>>>>>>>> >>> other misch controlled substance pills as well as delivery of
>>>>>>>> meth
>>>>>>>> >>> charges.
>>>>>>>> >>> fucking bath salts
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 8:18 AM, Dave <
>>>>>>>> >>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>>     I hear the same shit as lewis and the sheriff mentioned
>>>>>>>> that Every
>>>>>>>> >>>     vehicle that is pulled over has some form of drug or
>>>>>>>> paraphernalia
>>>>>>>> >>>     in it.
>>>>>>>> >>>     Meth is the demon drug that will cause even the most humble
>>>>>>>> become
>>>>>>>> >>>     demented.
>>>>>>>> >>>     A peer of my rank in the army said "That some were just not
>>>>>>>> meant
>>>>>>>> >>>     to breed!" We laughed about it but I do believe there is
>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>> >>>     truth to that.
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>>     On 04/15/2018 05:11 PM, Lewis Bergman wrote:
>>>>>>>> >>>>     I think Meth answers all your "why" questions. Since I
>>>>>>>> deal with
>>>>>>>> >>>>     almost every sheriff in and most every drug focused law
>>>>>>>> >>>>     enforcement I hear a lot of their stories. One of them
>>>>>>>> tells me
>>>>>>>> >>>>     that 95%+ of crime is drug related. CPS type problems they
>>>>>>>> put at
>>>>>>>> >>>>     about 80% with the remaining 15% made of of perverts that
>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>> >>>>     probably be castrated upon a verdict.
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>     On Sun, Apr 15, 2018 at 10:03 AM Chuck McCown <
>>>>>>>> >>>>     <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>         I had a similar situation.  Rather my wife did.  We
>>>>>>>> took the
>>>>>>>> >>>>         kids in (her sister�s kids).
>>>>>>>> >>>>         Very similar situation, neglected, abused, drugs etc.
>>>>>>>> >>>>         One of the parents got them back for a while, then the
>>>>>>>> other.
>>>>>>>> >>>>         Those kids still think of my wife as �mom�.  They
>>>>>>>> are all
>>>>>>>> >>>>         grown up with grandkids of their own now.
>>>>>>>> >>>>         One of them is a solid cop in Reno. The other has not
>>>>>>>> turned
>>>>>>>> >>>>         out so well.
>>>>>>>> >>>>         The world needs standup guys like you.
>>>>>>>> >>>>         *From:* Steve Jones
>>>>>>>> >>>>         *Sent:* Saturday, April 14, 2018 11:00 PM
>>>>>>>> >>>>         *To:*
>>>>>>>> >>>>         *Subject:* [AFMUG] OT: very OT. Scumbag parents
>>>>>>>> >>>>         You folks get my vent because i cant anywherr else. So
>>>>>>>> like 7
>>>>>>>> >>>>         years ago we took in my old ladys nephews because, well
>>>>>>>> >>>>         fuckwit parents. FYI the foster care system is aweful.
>>>>>>>> We
>>>>>>>> >>>>         fostered them for a year and half while her brother
>>>>>>>> and baby
>>>>>>>> >>>>         momma sorted their shit, or so we thought. The 18
>>>>>>>> month old
>>>>>>>> >>>>         at the time had a club foot, i had to build a sleeping
>>>>>>>> rig
>>>>>>>> >>>>         with some shoes with the ankles hooked together and
>>>>>>>> the toes
>>>>>>>> >>>>         locked outward with a ruler, i worked his legs in and
>>>>>>>> out til
>>>>>>>> >>>>         his hip popped one night, i thought i broke his hip,
>>>>>>>> but it
>>>>>>>> >>>>         was just something going back. The 4 year old you
>>>>>>>> couldbt
>>>>>>>> >>>>         understand cause they thought baby talk was cute so
>>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>>> >>>>         never taught him to speak. We fixed that, and that was
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> >>>>         least bad of the fuckery. This was me, the old lady,
>>>>>>>> >>>>         a1,2,4,and 5 year old with our 2 in a tiny 2 bedroom.
>>>>>>>> >>>>         Finally got these boys shaped up and bought a house
>>>>>>>> for room,
>>>>>>>> >>>>         and a week later they gave them back to the mom. The
>>>>>>>> old
>>>>>>>> >>>>         ladies brother never did what he was supposed to.
>>>>>>>> >>>>         Now today was their grandmas (my old ladies step moms)
>>>>>>>> >>>>         funeral, so whats this trashcan do? Gets arrested for
>>>>>>>> selling
>>>>>>>> >>>>         fucking meth
>>>>>>>> >>>>         So dealing with all that comes with a funeral, we had
>>>>>>>> to be
>>>>>>>> >>>>         late dealing with the child services people. Get all
>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> >>>>         squared away, get through the funeral and now find out
>>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>> >>>>         also get the joy of headlice.
>>>>>>>> >>>>         Seriously, fucking shit fuck. How do people do this
>>>>>>>> shit to
>>>>>>>> >>>>         kids, theyre not just a thing you have while doing
>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>> >>>> things.
>>>>>>>> >>>>         Im not lawfully allowed to discuss any of this with
>>>>>>>> anyone
>>>>>>>> >>>>         who is remotely involved, i figure none of you are.
>>>>>>>> >>>>         But seriously, what the fuck, you get your kids back
>>>>>>>> and sell
>>>>>>>> >>>>         meth. And theyre already asking if they sign their
>>>>>>>> righys if
>>>>>>>> >>>>         they can see the kids still.
>>>>>>>> >>>>         I have very few skills, and none of rhem involve the
>>>>>>>> ability
>>>>>>>> >>>>         to not want to feed these people lead
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>>     --
>>>>>>>> >>>
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