On Thu, May 16, 2024, 11:27 AM <ivan.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What should symbolic approach include to entirely replace neural networks
> approach in creating true AI? Is that task even possible? What benefits and
> drawbacks we could expect or hope for if it is possible? If it is not
> possible, what would be the reasons?

Surely you are aware of the 100% failure rate of symbolic AI over the last
70 years? It should work in theory, but we have a long history of
underestimating the cost, lured by the early false success of covering half
of the cases with just a few hundred rules.

A human level language model is 10^9 bits, equivalent to 60M lines of code
according to my compression tests, which yield 16 bits per line. A line of
code costs $100, so your development cost is $6 billion, far beyond the
budgets of the most ambitious attemps like Cyc or OpenCog.

Or you can train a LLM with 100 to 1000 times as much knowledge for a few
million at $2 per GPU hour.

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