I do not agree that body mapping is necessary for general intelligence. But
this would be one of the easiest problems today.
In the area of mapping the body onto another (artificial) body, computers
are already very smart:

See the video on this page:


Mike Tintner wrote:


I should have added that our brain and body, by observing the mere 
shape/outline of others bodies as in Matisse's Dancers, can tell not only 
how to *shape* our own outline,  but how to "dispose" of our *whole body*  -

we transpose/translate (or "flesh out") a static two-dimensional body shape 
into an extremely complex set of instructions as to how to position and move

our entire, *solid* body with all its immensely complex musculature. It's an

awesomely detailed process, mechanically, when you analyse it.

(It reminds me of an observation by Vlad, long ago, about how efficient some

computational coding can be. That painting of the Dancers surely must 
represent a vastly more efficient form of "coding" than anything digital or 
rational languages can achieve. So much info has been packed into such a 
brief outline. Never was so much told by so little? The same is true of 
artistic drawing generally).

P.S. Perhaps the best summary of all this is that general intelligence 
depends on "body mapping"  -  fluidly and physically/embodied-ly mapping our

body onto others (as totally distinct from"mapping" structures of symbols 
onto each other). Not worth discussing, Ben?

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