After the first positioning there is no point to point matching at all.

The main intelligence comes from the knowledge base of hundreds of 3d
scanned faces.
This is a huge vector space. And it is no easy task to match a given picture
of a face with a vector(=face) within the vector space.

The programmer uses the average face of this vector space and not a special

You claim the program cannot match a face with a hairlip. Can you prove

You underestimate the difficulties which are solved by the program and you
overestimate the act of the first manual positioning.

The mapping and morphing program is no AGI but it is AI and it has the great
advantage over AGI that it already works.

Your argumentation is the most common one against AI:
Say on the one hand: all things computers can do need no intelligence.
Say on the other hand: all things computer cannot do but humans can need
intelligence which computers never will have.

I am sure that the space where you can survive with this opinion soon will
become smaller and smaller ;-)


Mike Tintner wrote


When a programmer (or cameraman)  "macroscopic(ally) positions two faces" - 
"adjusting them manually" so that they are capable of precise point-to-point

matching,  that proceeds from an initial act of  visual object recognition -

and indeed imagination, as I have defined it.

He will have taken two originally disparate faces moving through many 
different not-easily-comparable positions, and recognized their 
compatibility - by, I would argue, a process of fluid transformation.

The programmer accordingly won't put any old two faces together - he won't 
put one person with a harelip  and/or one eye together with a regular face, 
He won't put a woman with hair over her eyes, together with one whose eyes 
are unobscured - or one with heavy make-up with one who is clear - or, just 
possibly, one with cosmetic surgery together with a natural face.  The human

brain is capable of recognizing the similarities and differences between all

such faces - the program isn't.

(I think you're being a bit difficult here - I don't think many others - 
incl. say. Ben - would try to ascribe the powers to these particular 
programs that you are doing).

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