> This is why I keep banging on about Kauffman's Reinventing the Sacred.It
> deals precisely with this.  And it makes the connection - as AI/AGI-ers
> completely fail to do between all kinds of creativity - from low-level
> evolutionary creativity to high-level human and social creativity. (BTW
> evolution and creativity have themselves evolved and taken on new forms -
> and will continue to do so).

I'm not sure why you're so pumped about Kauffman as regards creativity ... I
like his work, but it's not as though he gives any kind of detailed
explanation  of how specific acts of human creativity come about

Your big argument against my approach to AGI seems to be that I haven't give
detailed, step-by-step explanations of how human-level-AI-type acts of
creativity would come about in a system built according to my designs...

My counterargument is that in a system like OpenCogPrime, any substantial
creative act is going to arise via the combination of a huge number of small
cognitive acts interrelating in complex ways.  So there is no reason to
expect it to be simple to give a detailed explanation of how a substantial
creative act will come about in the system ...

I think it might take weeks  of effort to chart out the possible dynamics of
a single substantial creative act within the OpenCogPrime system.  This
might well be an interesting exercise to carry out, but I haven't yet done

Now, what does Kauffman do?  Does he explain in detail how some particular,
substantial creative act might emerge in a human brain, or an AI system?
No.  He lays out some general principles and ideas, and then gives examples
from much simpler systems, whose resemblance to AGI systems is highly

In short, he -- like me -- thinks that any substantial creative act is going
to arise via the combination of a huge number of small cognitive acts
interrelating in complex ways ... so that there is no reason to expect it to
be simple to give a detailed explanation of how a substantial creative act
will come about in a complex system like the human brain ...

ben g

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