Matt:>> An exact description of the quantum state of the universe gives you everything else.

I want to take what I said a little further, because, though basically true, it was a little too ethereal.

A physics approach - reducing all things to their fundamental parts/ particles - cannot, I said, explain the evolutionary/creative capacity of things.

To make this more concrete - a physics/reductionist approach cannot explain the *plasticity* of matter. Natural objects are not like artificial objects - like a brick wall that can be deconstructed both analytically and physically into precise, discrete parts/bricks.

Natural objects are all to varying degrees plastic. They can be reshaped, reforged in an infinity of possible ways to create an infinity of possible new materials.

And not only can their form be changed, but also their function and behaviour and movement.

Especially organic materials. Soft tissue can become bones. Limbs. Sensors.And so on.

And the functions of parts can be changed. Tongues can be made to see. Feet can be made to grasp. Bent backs can be made to stand up erect. And so on.

So, to sum up more precisely, a physics/ reductionist approach - reducing things to their parts - can explain the basic *nature of things, including their' plasticity* - how it is that plasticine is so plastic.

What it can't do is explain or define the *potential* of things, including their *spectrum of plasticity*. It cannot explain the infinite variety of shapes you can create with plasticine and other things, and the infinity of new forms that you can create by an infinity of operations such as baking/burning/freezing/barbecuing etc etc.

(Or to put that another way, science which tells you the basic nature of things, is distinct from technology which is in the continuous process of piling up an infinity of things that you can do with, and make out of things).

The current mechanistic worldview is essentially a rigid, rational, discrete-parts picture of things and the world generally - in which the creativity of matter has no place, and is largely ignored. The new mechanistic worldview that is emerging is a plastic, creative, fluid-parts/ shapeshifting picture of things - which will embrace creativity.

Narrow AI (and current AGI) basically embody a rigid, rational, "crystallised" intelligence. True AGI involves a flexible, creative, "fluid" intelligence. (The crystallised/fluid distinction is part of sci. psychology).

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