2009/1/12 Ben Goertzel <b...@goertzel.org>:
> The problem with simulations that run slower than real time is that
> they aren't much good for running AIs interactively with humans... and
> for AGI we want the combination of social and physical interaction

There's plenty you can do with real-time interaction.

OTOH, there's lots you can do with batch processing, e.g. tweak the
AI's parameters, and see how it performs on the same task. And of
course you can have a regression test suite of tasks for the AI to
perform as you improve it. How useful this sort of approach is depends
on how much processing power you need: if processing is very
expensive, it makes less sense to re-run an extensive test suite
whenever you make a change.

Philip Hunt, <cabala...@googlemail.com>
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