On 1/13/12, 441344 <441...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [...]
> I declare intent to, with Agoran Consent, cause the President to taunt
> the police specifying 6.
I publish the following list of Supporters for the above intent:

I publish the following list of Objectors for the above intent:
*Turiski may or may not be an Objector, see CFJ 3150

I, with Agoran Consent, cause the President to taunt
the police specifying 6.

I submit a proposal with adoption index 3 and title
{Another alternate fix for Wisdom Of The Elders} and text
 Amend Rule 1950 by replacing the text
  Adoption index is a switch possessed by Agoran decisions, whose value is
  either "none" (default) or an integral multiple of 0.1 from 1.0 to 9.9.
 } with the text
  Adoption index is a switch possessed by Agoran decisions, whose value is
  either "none" (default) or an integral multiple of 0.1 from 1.0 to

I submit a proposal with adoption index 2 and title {Clock Golems} and text
 Create a rule with title {Clock Golems} and text
  Clock Golems are a class of second-class persons and a class of
assets. Golemkeepor is
  an elected Office. The Golemkeepor is the recordkeepor for Clock
Golems. Alarm is a
  Clock Golem timer. The Alarm of a Clock Golem is counting down iff
it is not zero. When
  the Alarm of a Clock Golem becomes zero, that Clock Golem cashes all
promises in eir
  possession that e CAN cash, and is then destroyed. Any player CAN
create a Clock
  Golem by announcement, specifying it's Alarm. Decreasing the Alarm
of a Clock Golem is
  secured. Causing a Clock Golem to act is secured. The Golemkeepor's
report includes the
  Alarm of every Clock Golem and the text, author, and owner of every
promise owned by a
  Clock Golem. The Golemkeepor CAN destroy any Clock Golem Without Objection.

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