> On Jul 9, 2017, at 9:50 PM, Nic Evans <nich...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would support, with a fair implementation.
> I point my finger at CB for failure to treat Agora Right Good Forever.
> I previously deregistered because I thought my explosive response to CB
> was my own issue, that e needed time to adjust, and I needed time to
> cool off. But I'm now convinced that's not the case. Everything CB does
> disrespects the time, effort, and feelings of every other player.
> I challenge people who are on the fence about this to point to a single
> time that CB has considered other players, or done necessary work, or
> done anything at all to make the game better or more enjoyable to anyone
> but emself.

It is unfortunate that I have only seven days to review and decide on this, as 
these are serious allegations that merit serious consideration.

Would any interested parties please submit arguments within the next 36 hours? 
I believe that leaves me time to review them, and to review relevant CFJs, 
before the deadline of July 17th, 01:50:23 UTC. In the absence of arguments, 
I’ll still pass judgement, but I fear my knowledge of Agoran custom and rules 
may not be up to the task, and there’s no appeals process for Cards.


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