I like coming up with interesting wordlists. They're fun to compile and
evidently the result is reasonably well-received, although I think o is the
only person whose been on the receiving end of my lists.


On 14 July 2017 at 00:58, Owen Jacobson <o...@grimoire.ca> wrote:

> On Jul 9, 2017, at 9:53 PM, Aris Merchant <thoughtsoflifeandlight17@
> gmail.com> wrote:
> > I point my finger at CuddleBeam for violation of Rule 2471. I argue
> > that air actions were so implausible that e could not reasonably have
> > believed them, and that at the very least e is absurdly negligent.
> > Given that this is having a huge impact on the players and the game
> > (look at the deregistrations), I recommend a sentence of a Red Card.
> I find this finger-pointing to be Shenanigans, based on the testimony of
> the accused:
> > I wouldn't have written that wall of text if I didn't believe it had at
> least a slither of chance of working.
> Quite a number of scams in Agora’s past have relied on creative
> interpretations of the rules, and while I personally believe there’s no way
> this scam could work, I believe carding Cuddlebeam would unjustifiably
> punish em for a bona fide attempt.
> Had I found otherwise, I would have issued a Yellow Card, not a Red Card.
> In spite of the colour theme of the Cards, I find that a Yellow Card is
> considerably more severe than a Red Card, especially if paired with a
> challenging word list. It’s also easier to justify a Yellow Card in the
> face of the accusations against Cuddlebeam in this finger-pointing. (This
> is, perhaps, not working as intended.)
> Instead, I’ll reinforce ais523’s advice to find a co-conspirator for
> future scams, and 天火狐’s observation that such tactics have very much worn
> out their welcome.
> -o

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