Because he wants to make the game fairer.

On 5/22/2018 5:01 PM, Cuddle Beam wrote:
(I'm assuming that you're going to use your own voting power to get it
removed because there isn't enough active interest to go against you for
anything? But why shoot yourself in the foot like that?)

On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 10:59 PM, Cuddle Beam <> wrote:

It might be a bit weird for me to bring this up but: *Why* nerf? You
earned those zombies, do as you please with them.

On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 10:50 PM, Kerim Aydin <>

On Tue, 22 May 2018, C. V. wrote:
Hmm, I like that the zombie market supply/demand currently fluctuates.
reform would mean that the zombie situation would be completely static:
(or whatever is the ratio) of players would own one zombie each.

Do you think there should be some upper-limit?  Over time, there's enough
turnover that the supply of zombies could outstrip the # of active players
soon.  Not sure that's a good/great thing.  The tradeoff here forcing
every 90 days.   Would a good addition be "max auction at most X zombies
month"?  If there were 5 zombies, and you could auction a max of 3 a
and they turned over every 90 days, you'd eventually have a 2 or 3 zombie
auction 2 out of 3 months - that seems like some reasonable turnover...?

CB has a point, I have to say that zombies aren't really that fun. The
near-permanent boost in vote power is probably not healthy for Agora,
perhaps could be one of the causes of others' apathy toward Agora?

Forgetting the mechanism (zombies), what time scales of "power boost" are
good?  One vote/person always?  Accumulate for short times?  What
time scale?  This has fluctuated tons over the years - we've had voting
power that was even more static (e.g. someone had 5 votes for over a
and it meant the bidding was that much more intense when turnover actually
happened.  And we've had accumulations that turned over weekly.  And 1
vote/person is the default we always return to.  No right answer but
what people think is best for the current game.

And if you need to collect assets from the other side of the map or w/e,
you could just ask another player to do that/allow you to do it on their
behalf and offer them something in exchange, and that's more fun &
strategically challenging for everyone involved than just having some
mindless servant do it for you for free, as often as you want.

So what do you think is a good/specific nerf for this?

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