On Wednesday, May 13, 2020 6:20:21 PM CDT Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion 
> On 5/13/2020 3:52 PM, nch via agora-discussion wrote:
> > Also interested in suggestions for other ways to receive cards. There
> > shouldn't be too many, because too many different ways will reduce
> > incentive to trade. But making different cards obtainable in different
> > flavorful ways would be a lot of fun.
> What's a good initial target for cards distributed per month, do you
> think?  that would help figure out how many ways.

I think it's gonna vary a lot for card type. We wouldn't want to flood any of 
the markets too much though. Especially Victory Points because that reset 
would be annoying if it was frequent and sudden.

Without seeing play it's really hard to say how many assets each card will 
translate to on average. But if we assumed that people cash out at 3 cards, 
which is probably the sweet spot for ease of obtaining and value, then each 
card would add a little less than 2 of its own asset to the economy.

If we adopted the amended ways then that'd be around 5 pends, 5 blot-b-gones, 
5 extra votes, and (assuming the auction is monthly) ~3 victory points a week.

That seems a little high for pends and blot-b-gones, probably fine for extra 
votes and victory points?


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