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Below is the report for the week of 2020-12-21..27:

# Summary

This week, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus announced that e plans to
deregister next weekend. E has been an active player since e most
recently registered in March. E ran the 2020 Birthday Tournament
(theme: Diplonomic), and currently serves as our Herald, Referee and
Tailor. E says e will eventually return, but for now, e will be missed!

A new addition to the Registrar's report shows that the dates Agora's
current players first joined the game vary widely --- from our most
recent registrations lucidiot and Shy Owl, to Murphy, for whom the
exact date is lost in the mists of time.

A quiet week, overall. The phasings-out of zombies and G.'s barrels
game continued. We heard from the mysterious maintainer of our "Tue",
our backup backup list.

# Players

* P.S.S. announces plans to deregister for now. Thread: "Plans to

* The Registrar adds eir estimate of each player's first registration
  date to eir weekly report. Thread: "Birthdays"

# Voting

* Voting continues on Proposal 8526, which would repeal the Barrels

# Mailing lists

* A couple of messages from October on the backup list "Tue" get
  delivered this week, and that list's maintainer makes an appearance,
  confirming suspicions that e is doing an occasional pass releasing
  held messages. There's talk of retiring Tue in favour of our new
  backup list, Gio. Thread: "BAK's SPF settings are incorrect"

# Miscellaneous

* Jason repeals all Emergency Regulations. Thread: "[Emergency]
  Vaccines incoming"

* The last zombie is deregistered. (It's still possible more zombies
  could be created before the zombie rules are repealed.) Thread: "Last
  last rites"


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