will the shooting take place in increasing order of accuracy of hitting the
target and is that at a time only one person can take a shot???
if yes then
my answer would be the same as above. what C will do is that it will first
let A and B kill each other first.
After C wastes his shot it will be B's turn. B can kill C, but in that case
the turn would go to A and he would surely kill B. If B goes after A, then B
may hit it or miss it(as its probability of hitting is 50%)
If B misses it
it depends on A whom to kill. A may kill B or C. A will try to kill one who
is better shooter i.e. B as C is less likely to hit A.
If B hits A then we are done. Round 1 is complete(as required in the
question) and C survives the first round.
Look the problem is not that who gets killed at last but rather what C
should fire in the first round obviously to survive(as I understood the
problem). It may happen that eventually C gets killed. But what should C
shoot in first round to survive.

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