On Wed, 4 Feb 2004, Frank Barknecht wrote:

> Hallo,
> Bill Unruh hat gesagt: // Bill Unruh wrote:
> > There definitely seems to be a problem with the alsa oss emulation in the
> > mixer category, and I have no idea what it could be. 
> > On my card, the recording slider is frozen in aumix or kmix (but works
> > in alsamixer) and does nothing. It (aumix or kmix) recognizes that the controls 
> > should
> > be there but cannot affect them.
> > Because oss is so dominant in the applications territory, breaking the
> > oss emulation support is serious.
> But it's only the OSS mixer, that is "broken" here, which I don't see
> as such a problem. For example, I live without a functional OSS mixer
> here for over 1.5 years, because OSS mixer doesn't map to the M-Audio
> Audiophile's internal mixer. And a lot of cards don't even have a
> mixer. I'd say: Use alsamixer or gamix to set volumes once, then
> forget about it. The philosophy of xmms of requiring a hardware mixer
> to change volume is wrong from the start. Alsaplayer does the Right
> Thing (tm): amplifying its output before it reaches the soundcard.

That "right thing" increases the noise level of the card and the
distorition of the card. Just as resampling in time does it, so does
resampling in amplitude. Now I do not know how the volumes on teh cards
do things, but if they do it by changing the analog output, that is the
"right way".

Also alsamixer is a klunky curses based program-- nicley portable, but
pretty ugly and horrible to use. Some things were made for a gui and
setting volumes, etc is one of them.

> I don't see a place for OSS mixers anymore, I've uninstalled them all.

Fine, and you advocate forcing your own personal peculiarities on the

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