> There definitely seems to be a problem with the alsa oss emulation in the
> mixer category, and I have no idea what it could be.
> On my card, the recording slider is frozen in aumix or kmix (but works
> in alsamixer) and does nothing. It (aumix or kmix) recognizes that the
controls should
> be there but cannot affect them.

Hmmm.... the problem is... I don't wanna use OSS (real or emulated) AT ALL.
I'd just want apps to use the ALSA drivers directly.

Anyway.... I tried XMMS choosing ALSA as output device, and it worked, even
with CDs (I couldn't hear anything with kCD)!
I also changes the volumes of the devices using both amixer and alsamixer
during lay, an everything worked as it had to, so.... ALSA is working with
my sound card.

There are anyway two things:
1) Can't KDE apps (with or without ARTS (better without, anyway)) directly
use ALSA device? I don't think I can't set, somewhere, the ALSA support for
KDE apps. I couldn't get it to work with Slackware 9.1 (olnly PCM front L-R
device works), but... I tested Mandrake 9.2 before, and everything worked
with ALSA and KDE, and I could also use kMix and Aumix, and all my cad
devices appeared there!

2) Playing a CD (that's stereo, and should normally only be heared with
front L-R channels) with XMMS with ALSA output, there's a sort upmix from
stereo to 5 channels (it seems front L-R are used normally, surround L-R are
a clone of front channels, and fronter center is a frontt L-R downmix).
Muting with amixer center and surround channels allowed me to hear the CD
using only the front L-R channels, but... is there any option for telling
ALSA "always used the right set-up concording with the number of channels
into the fils; for example: play stereo media only with front L-R, mono
media only with front center, 5.1 with all the channels, automatically"?
This should be the normal setup, and that's what window do, and what normal
stand-alon players and amplifiers do, unless you specify different

3) Under Windows I can choos, when using a 5.1 card, to output as 2.1, and
the driver does the downmixing. Is there a way for doing this easily with
ALSA (if I have real 5.1 sound and simply mute center and back channels I'll
simply loose them, they will not be dowmixed to front L-R channels)?


Marco Iannaccone

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