On Wednesday 21 November 2018 14:55:21 Chris Miller wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I have written some very small DLEs so I can rip through weeks of
> backups in minutes. I've learned some things. AMANDA can't backup a
> file; only directories. Is there any way around that? Suppose I need
> to backup a large file in a directory with many other large files, so
> backing up the complete directory or moving / copying my target would
> be inconvenient, not to mention administratively cumbersome when it
> comes to restoring.
> I'm also still fighting AMANDA about how to manage vtapes, but I'm
> developing more focused questions. For example, my test runs are
> reporting:
> taper: Slot 13 with label Mail.TCLC.org-13 is not reusable
> So, how do I designate a slot as having a volume that is re-usable?
> Thanks for the help,

Please see your example/disklist file in the src tree. Something I have 
done for years to get a consistent build that just works after an 
upgrade.  There are recipes there, near the top of the file that can do 
or do not, an individual file. I'm using such a scheme to break up the 
huge directories here.

I might point out that using a compressing dumptype is by and large a 
waste of time when dealing with really big files like a .iso or .gz, 
bz2, etc is generally lost time trying to compress already compressed 

Copyright 2018 by Maurice E. Heskett
Cheers, Gene Heskett
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