At the risk of getting into another long-winded, miscommunicated debate ...

On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 4:03 PM, Brad Gies <> wrote:

> How many developers have experienced the other person's "eyes glazing over
> and their mind shutting down" effect when they are excitedly telling their
> friends and family about everything the latest technology/gadget/device can
> do.

Actually, when I show friends and family my shiny phone and start emailing /
getting driving directions / looking up bus times, etc, etc, they open their
eyes with excitement and interest.

There's a reason that promotional videos or commercials show you what you
can do with the product - like the iPad commercial with the person email,
browsing, editing pictures, and playing games. These are all features of the
product. No, dully listing every single feature as a list of text is not the
best strategy, agreed - but there is unquestionable value in conveying to
the user what they can actually do with what you're asking them to pay for.

Unfortunately, we're all extremely limited in how we can do that on the

On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 4:30 PM, Zsolt Vasvari <> wrote:

> > Yeah, I don't know if I'd be willing to claim this entire theory is
> > validated based on 8 more sales in one week for one app  ...
> 8 a day, for a week.

OK, that's a different story.

> But it the perecntage that matters.

Not really. 1 -> 2 and 1,000 -> 2,000 is the same percentage, but a wholly
different ball game.

>  And today it's up to 19 so far. (21 - 2 cancelations)

Nice, congrats.

Fixed the errors -- that's what happens when you try to edit your
> description in that tiny window on the Market app page.

Use Chrome and resize that stupid window as big as you want =)
It's bad enough we have the character limit - I can't believe they limit the
window size too!

> Yeah, the free version says the same thing, minus the 24hr thing.

No, I meant did you update the app itself, like so users got an update
message to download it?

> How does somebody get featured?

I think only Google insiders and Jesus know the real answer to that, but I
have some theories.

1 - Be Google and promote your own apps
2 - Be a major company that does not need to be featured (and pay for the
3 - Win the lottery.
4 - Be picked randomly via this

> > How did you determine this? Just curious.
> Just by looking at the names in Google Checkout.

Ah, makes sense.

Thanks for sharing.

TreKing <> - Chicago
transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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