On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 04:15:16AM -0800, MobileVisuals wrote:
> I have mailed market.android.com/support about this now. It seems like
> there is no special way for publishers to contact the support.

Well, there is, because I was able to back when google first removed the
"Just In" category...and I did get a response....

> The same apps are still shown on the "new section".

And here is a summary of what their response was:  There IS NO SECTION
for ALL new apps now.  It's gone.  Period.  Now there are "Top New Free",
"Top New Paid", and "Top Grossing New" (not sure on the exact wording of
that last one, but that's the point).  If your app is one of the *TOP*
downloaded apps when you put it online, it will go in Top [Free/Paid]
New.  If not, people will have to find it by searching for it directly or
by keywords (which you aren't allowed to bulk your app's Market page up
with, as it'll get pulled if you do).

Welcome to the new google market.  The above is not an exact quote,
but it is what they said.  And I asked for clarification at least
once or twice, and they were VERY clear on every point above.  I,
personally, think it sucks.  But my opinion doesn't matter (nor does
that of anyone else).  That's just how it is now.


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