I agree, this is really bad. You wrote "If your app is one of the
*TOP*downloaded apps when you put it online, it will go in Top [Free/
Paid] New."
But a new app can't be one of the top downloaded apps when it gets
online. It always has 0 downloads first.

So the only possibility to get good downlods for new apps is to launch
massive advertising campaigns for them, am I right?

On Feb 13, 1:29 pm, Jim Graham <spooky1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 04:15:16AM -0800, MobileVisuals wrote:
> > I have mailed market.android.com/support about this now. It seems like
> > there is no special way for publishers to contact the support.
> Well, there is, because I was able to back when google first removed the
> "Just In" category...and I did get a response....
> > The same apps are still shown on the "new section".
> And here is a summary of what their response was:  There IS NO SECTION
> for ALL new apps now.  It's gone.  Period.  Now there are "Top New Free",
> "Top New Paid", and "Top Grossing New" (not sure on the exact wording of
> that last one, but that's the point).  If your app is one of the *TOP*
> downloaded apps when you put it online, it will go in Top [Free/Paid]
> New.  If not, people will have to find it by searching for it directly or
> by keywords (which you aren't allowed to bulk your app's Market page up
> with, as it'll get pulled if you do).
> Welcome to the new google market.  The above is not an exact quote,
> but it is what they said.  And I asked for clarification at least
> once or twice, and they were VERY clear on every point above.  I,
> personally, think it sucks.  But my opinion doesn't matter (nor does
> that of anyone else).  That's just how it is now.
> Later,
>    --jim
> --
> THE SCORE:  ME:  2  CANCER:  0
> 73 DE N5IAL (/4)                  |        |\      _,,,---,,_
> < Running FreeBSD 7.0 >           | ZZZzz  /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_
> spooky1...@gmail.com              |       |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'
> ICBM/Hurr.:  30.44406N 86.59909W  |      '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)
> Android Apps Listing athttp://www.jstrack.org/barcodes.html

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