On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 4:12 PM, Jim Graham <spooky1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If anyone knows of any other (than the Android Forums) sites for new app
> announcements, please list them as a followup to this post.  Thanks!

If you do not have a focused, targeted audience with a clear idea of
how you are going to promote your app to that audience, you should not
have bothered writing the app in the first place, unless writing Java
code is your idea of a fun evening.

> Aside from that, though, you're right...if you don't have the advertising
> budget, can't get it reviewed (I have *NO* idea what it takes to get that
> done), and the new app announcement forums don't get you anywhere, your
> apps will go unnoticed (like my more recent ones have) and, if it's a
> paid app that you've spent a lot of time on, well, you probably wasted
> that time.

I have been saying FOR YEARS that developers should not be focused on
promoting apps via the Android Market, as it is merely a catalog.

I have been saying FOR YEARS that developers seeking income need the
same sort of business plans as do any other entrepreneurs, and that
paid apps are merely one (lousy, overused, etc.) business model out of

>From what I can tell, many app developers have less business savvy
than $DEITY gave an eight-year-old who runs a lemonade stand.

> Yeah, it sucks...massively.

No more than does opening a dry cleaners or a Quik-E-Mart. Or do you
think that app developers are somehow immune to the real world that
affects entrepreneurs in all other lines of business?

> And from what I've heard, that
> was the intention behind google's doing that---to limit the Market to the
> major devs (no indies) with massive budgets.

Citation, please.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://github.com/commonsguy
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Android 4.0 Programming Books: http://commonsware.com/books

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