On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 03:34:26PM +0100, denis wrote:

Dear Denis,

> On 16/12/2015 11:32, Alex Band wrote:
>> Hi Michele,
>>> On 15 Dec 2015, at 21:28, Michele Neylon - Blacknight
>>> <mich...@blacknight.com> wrote:
>>> Tim
>>> I support this plan
>>> It makes a lot of sense on two fronts: 1 - making sure there are
>>> abuse-c contacts for all resources 2 - making sure that it???s the
>>> correct / appropriate contact
>> To expedite the creation of abuse contacts we've just deployed an
>> enhancement to the RIPE Database web interface.
>> Whenever you create a new organisation object or you edit an existing
>> one that does not have an abuse contact set, we will display a
>> warning and offer a simple abuse-c creation workflow.
> An "abuse-c:" attribute is only required in an ORGANISATION object if it is 
> referenced by a resource object. So the wording in this revised web 
> interface may be a bit confusing to users. It would be better if you do a 
> check on the specified ORGANISATION object and only display this warning if 
> this object should have an "abuse-c:" reference.

>From what I understood, warning is not an error and doesn't prevent the
creation of the ORGANISATION object.
Moreover, during object creation procedure it is unknown what for the
ORGANISATION object is created.

All the best,

gucio -> Piotr Strzyżewski
E-mail: piotr.strzyzew...@polsl.pl

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