Has anyone ever though about using BBS software, like UBB or vBulletin?
It's more like a community.  SF is a development environment.


> On Tuesday, October 22, 2002, at 10:51 AM, Scott S. Goodwin wrote:
> > I don't think anyone was suggested shutting down the AOLserver
> > discussion list, just creating a new list where SF bug, feature and
> > patch notifications would go, so those who really wanted to see them
> > can
> > get them .
> >
> > Personally I don't think we want to disrupt the current AOLserver
> > discussion list. We might lose some lurkers who aren't going to bother
> > signing up on the new list, and that would be a mistake at this point.
> >
> > /s.
> Don't worry, I'm not going to shut down anything. Just trying to better
> understand what changes can be made to help better serve the community.
> I'd be more then happy to set up additional lists.
> Reading all the posts this morning makes me think that we need some
> better ways for everyone to communicate. Would be pretty easy for us to
> set up some simple polls where everyone could vote on different
> options. Think this might make it easier to come to a consensus. What
> does everyone else think?
> - n

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