
AOLserver has "internal redirects" that allow overriding of some
(currently not all, strangely) responses based on the HTTP status code.
The configuration section looks like this (from the Annotated Config.

    # Internal redirects
    ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/redirects"
    ns_param   404 "/notfound.html"      ;# Not Found error page
    ns_param   500 "/servererror.html"   ;# Server Error page

I have two proposed changes:

1) Allow overriding of all response codes.  This may not actually be a
   good idea, but it just seems odd that only certain response codes
   have their own C API which uses the internal redirect mechanism.

2) The current internal redirect mechanism changes the URL in the
   request then re-executes it.  The downside of the current
   implementation is that a custom error handler for 500 Server Error,
   if it's defined and exists and is served, turns the request into a
   200 OK.  The HTTP response becomes a 200 OK instead of the original
   500 Server Error with the custom HTTP response body.  nslog also logs
   a 200 OK in the access log, instead of the 500.  This just feels
   wrong to me.  If you have a custom 404 page, you can't use the access
   log to report on the number of 404's any more since the log will show
   200's for the 404 requests.

I'm still on the fence whether #1 is a good idea or not.  In principle
it's the right thing to do, but implementing it properly will require a
lot of refactoring of nsd/return.c to make it clean, and even then
there could be problems.

I'm definitely in favor of making the chnage described in #2, however
it's a functionality change that will invalidate people's assumptions
who use internal redirects and I don't know what effect that will have
on people's applications, especially logfile analyzers, etc.  I'm keen
on implementing this change for 4.1.0, but what I really want to know is
do people think it's okay to backport this change to 4.0.x?  I really
want to, but if everyone else thinks it's a bad idea ... then I can
leave it as a 4.1.0-only change.

Thoughts?  Problems?

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara                       mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Panoptic Computer Network             web: http://www.panoptic.com/
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
    folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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