
I fixed this bug 6 months ago.  There's a patch on SourceForge:

"Invalid response status logged for custom redirects"

You may also be interested in this related patch which alows a custom
redirect handler to know the original URL as sent by the browser and
act accordingly:

"ns_conn seturl newUrl"

On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 09:02:42 -0500, Dossy Shiobara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> AOLserver has "internal redirects" that allow overriding of some
> (currently not all, strangely) responses based on the HTTP status code.
> The configuration section looks like this (from the Annotated Config.
> Reference):
>     #
>     # Internal redirects
>     #
>     ns_section "ns/server/${servername}/redirects"
>     ns_param   404 "/notfound.html"      ;# Not Found error page
>     ns_param   500 "/servererror.html"   ;# Server Error page
> I have two proposed changes:
> 1) Allow overriding of all response codes.  This may not actually be a
>    good idea, but it just seems odd that only certain response codes
>    have their own C API which uses the internal redirect mechanism.
> 2) The current internal redirect mechanism changes the URL in the
>    request then re-executes it.  The downside of the current
>    implementation is that a custom error handler for 500 Server Error,
>    if it's defined and exists and is served, turns the request into a
>    200 OK.  The HTTP response becomes a 200 OK instead of the original
>    500 Server Error with the custom HTTP response body.  nslog also logs
>    a 200 OK in the access log, instead of the 500.  This just feels
>    wrong to me.  If you have a custom 404 page, you can't use the access
>    log to report on the number of 404's any more since the log will show
>    200's for the 404 requests.
> I'm still on the fence whether #1 is a good idea or not.  In principle
> it's the right thing to do, but implementing it properly will require a
> lot of refactoring of nsd/return.c to make it clean, and even then
> there could be problems.
> I'm definitely in favor of making the chnage described in #2, however
> it's a functionality change that will invalidate people's assumptions
> who use internal redirects and I don't know what effect that will have
> on people's applications, especially logfile analyzers, etc.  I'm keen
> on implementing this change for 4.1.0, but what I really want to know is
> do people think it's okay to backport this change to 4.0.x?  I really
> want to, but if everyone else thinks it's a bad idea ... then I can
> leave it as a 4.1.0-only change.
> Thoughts?  Problems?
> -- Dossy

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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