On Friday 11 February 2005 10:41, Dossy Shiobara wrote:
> On 2005.02.11, Tom Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My Config file contains:
> > #
> > # Server url, Proxy & Redirects
> > ns_section "ns/server/${server}/redirects"
> > ns_param   404 "global/file-not-found.tcl"
> > ns_param   500 "global/server-error.tcl"
> And, presumably, you have enabletclpages = true.

So I'm wondering why not have an api for setting the status? I'm not sure if
that would work, but only a few internally redirected pages would need to
fiddle with the status.

Within the ADP, you can still do a regular ns_returnXXX and set the status
directly. This leaves only static files which can't twiddle with the status.

While playing around with this I discovered some weird behavior with ADPs.

First Problem:
If you have an error in an adp, the error is logged twice to error.log. Once
when the error occurs, and once when the error page displays. Actually, if
there is an error finding the error page, the two errors are combined, the
new error appended directly to the original error. You still get 200 OK
logged to access.log.

Second Problem:
When you have an error in an adp, the custom error page is determined by:
ns_section "ns/server/servername/adp"
ns_param errorpage "path/to/error.adp"

So, the 500 internal redirect setting is ignored. In addition, the path to the
error page is _relative to the page which has the error_, if the errorpage
path does not begin with "/", otherwise it is an absolute OS path. To get
global/error.adp to work I had to setup the param as follows:

ns_param errorpage "/web/m2/servers/configtest/pages/global/error.adp"

Third Problem:
If the server can't find the error page due to one of the problems listed
above, a 200 OK of zero length is returned to the client, and logged in

In addition, the following is set:
ns_section "ns/server/servername"
ns_param    errorminsize       514

Telnet example:
GET /error-test.adp HTTP/1.0
Host: maria2:8006

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
MIME-Version: 1.0
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2005 19:27:40 GMT
Server: AOLserver/4.0.10
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Length: 0
Connection: close

Access.log Entry: - - [12/Feb/2005:11:27:40 -0800] "GET /error-test.adp
HTTP/1.0" 200 0 "" ""

Error.log Entry(s):
[12/Feb/2005:11:27:40.109812][20086.1099656112][-conn:configtest::1] Error: I
got an error in this adp page
I got an error in this adp page
    while executing
"error "I got an error in this adp page""
    invoked from within chunk: 0 of
adp: /web/m2/servers/configtest/pages/error-test.adp
[12/Feb/2005:11:27:40.110044][20086.1099656112][-conn:configtest::1] Error: I
got an error in this adp pagecould not stat
"/web/m2/servers/configtest/pages/global/error.adp": no such file or
I got an error in this adp page
    while executing
"error "I got an error in this adp page""
    invoked from within chunk: 0 of
adp: /web/m2/servers/configtest/pages/error-test.adp

tom jackson

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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