On Mon, Oct 01, 2007 at 09:40:19AM -0700, Tom Jackson wrote:
> Gustaf,
> I'm going to ask that the patch be removed and replaced with a module.

Why?  What possible harm does including Gustaf's patch in the stock
server cause, rather than loading it as an additional module?

> Regardless of the number, we have just added two undocumented
> commands to the core code.

So what?

> We have a major problem with documentation here, and we know why: 
> developers are not required (not even encouraged!) to do any work documenting 
> new code or features.

Uh, so you'd rather have NEITHER useful new features nor
documentation?  Because in general, I think that's what you're likely
to get.

And besides, Gustaf has written about his patch at length multiple
times over the last few years.  The content is out there - in what way
is it not adequate?  And just where is Gustaf SUPPOSED to add docs for
his new feature anyway?

> Second, the patch does nothing for AOLserver without at least
> figuring out where to get the ::thread package.

So what?  Again, where's the harm?

And AOLserver should probably be changed somtime to always use and
ship with the Tcl Thread package anyway. 

> So what we have is a new way for everyone to start doing 
> things in different ways,

Everyone?  No one is required to use Gustaf's feature, and indeed, the
only way to use it is by explicitly writing Tcl code to do so, right?

> wondering why it doesn't work, complaining about why it doesn't work
> the way they expect, etc. Some will probably offer their own patches
> to make it work better.

God forbid that anyone would offer potential improvements...  Oh yeah,
I'm really worried about that!

> This also short circuits discussion about the best way to do this in 
> AOLserver, and what to recommend to new users.

Tom, Gustaf has been both discussing and heavily using this one patch
for several years.  Just how much more discussion do you want?  It
obviously has been working well for U. Wien and others for years now,
so why not just adopt their proven patch as is, rather than screwing
around turning it into a loadable module?

What's the actual problem with Gustaf's code?  You've obviously read
and thought about it, Tom (which I have not), but so far I see a lot
of theoretical hand wavy complaints from you, but little solid
criticism of the actual code.

Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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