Andrew Piskorski wrote:

What's the actual problem with Gustaf's code?  You've obviously read
and thought about it, Tom (which I have not), but so far I see a lot
of theoretical hand wavy complaints from you, but little solid
criticism of the actual code.

I also think the code belongs on a module rather than in the core.

My reason is because the code is the wrong solution. I'm not saying the code is bad or that it doesn't work, because it obviously works and solves a problem for alot of people. The problem is that with this code, fixing a problem (simple network i/o blocking heavyweight connection threads) requires doing something different at the script level, meaning it is likely that some pages will use the fix and some will not. This is a hack allowing a limitation to be worked around, not a fix for the limitation. When the patch fixes the core so that all connections (or selectively as specified in the config file) receive the benefit, then it belongs in the core.

I see this as similar to the inclusion of gzip compression. Several versions ago a module was contributed that added a new command nz_zreturn to allow for gzip-compressed output. This was wrong because someone would need to explicitly choose to use it on every individual page. Including gzip compression in the core is the right way, and that's where it is now. ns_return_background is fine to work around the network writing problem for now, but it should be only a module; the core patch should be a complete fix, one that applies the solution to every connection using plain old ns_return.

Yes, we may need to wait a little while for this "real" fix. And when we do create it, this patch becomes unnecessary except as backward compatibility, which again will belong in a module, for those who need it.


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