Hi everybody,

Tom Jackson schrieb:

I'm going to ask that the patch be removed and replaced with a module.
i got the - wrong - impression that you (Tom) revised your proposal to change
the patch into a module, when you realized, that the patch is NOT
implementing background delivery, but something much more simple
and generic. In the xotcl-core OpenACS module, "ns_conn channel"
is as well used for purposes, quite different from background delivery,
namely for providing a COMET-style back-channel from the server to
the client http://www.ajaxian.com/archives/comet-a-new-approach-to-ajax-applications

For example, the xotcl-core module uses this channel for implementing
a streaming chat  (clients subscribe via HTTP to a named channel,
which is disconnected from the connection thread and transfered
to a spooling thread; messages sent to the channel are broadcasted
to all subscribers of the channels; the subscribers keep the channels
open and read asynchronously from the browser either via ajax or iframe).
This is not something we "could do in some future versions",
but something we have working since one and a half years.

The reason why i have described this is to show that the ability to
obtain from a connection thread a Tcl channel opens a much larger
range of applications than just the background delivery. The
application range is just limited by the creativity of a developer.

The ns_conn subcommands extend the connection "object"
ns_conn to  provide a method to obtain the channel the Tcl
channel,  and to query or set the sent-content-length (setting
is in my  background delivery implementation is somewhat
over-optimistic,  since errors during file delivery are not
reflected in access log (only in the error log). But only those
errors are missed in the  access log, which are happening
between start of the asynchronous transfer and the close.
The most typical "error" is, when a longer transfer is interrupted
(e.g. user closes browser during transfer)). A maybe better
solution would be to extend the nslog module
to deal with asynchronous deliveries, such it is able
to receive a call, when the full content is delivered, and
to prevent logging in the trace immediately after a request
in a connection thread).

In general, i would prefer to see on the longer range
some convergence between the aolserver way and
"ordinary" tcl. Obtaining the tcl channel is a small
step this way.

Additionally, i would prefer aolserver and naviserver
to be as compatible as possible (all parties will profit
from this). As mentioned earlier, both ns_conn subcommands
are available already in naviserver.

My change sits only in the head version of the cvs tree.
Most probably, nobody is running a production environment
from head. So the  potential harm is very limited. The
question is rather, whether or not this functionality should
be included in the next release of aolserver, and when
and how the next release will be made available. I was
quite surprised to see that the aolserver has 10 admins
and 58 developers registered at sourceforge (considered
the low number of changes over the last year). My feeling is
that whoever is and feels responsible for next release
should decide what patches should be included
in the next release or not. From my point of view, dossy
is the premier candidate.
Regardless of the number, we have just added two undocumented commands to the core code.
I was not sure, whether the panoptic wiki intends to document
4.5 or cvs head. Most probably the intention is to document 4.5.
I  mentioned this in my mail to dossy immediately after the
commit and wrote the commit message in a style suitable for
documentation (see below). Your rhetoric is somewhat unfair
(my be not willingly unfair due to limited information).

========================================== BEGIN COMMIT MSG
Extend ns_conn by two commands:

ns_conn channel

Return a Tcl channel from the current connection.
This channel can be used to talk via Tcl I/O to
the remote client afterwards.

ns_conn contentsentlength ?number?

Query or set the number of octets sent to the client. This command
can be used in connection with "ns_conn channel" to adjust the length
entry in a log file in cases, the file was sent via Tcl I/O.

"ns_conn channel" was originally written by Zoran.

========================================== END COMMIT MSG

When we accept the patch, we allow you to transfer all this mess to the AOLserver community. Now we have to answer all these concerns, you don't.
Come on. The new subcommands empower the developer and
add missing functionality enabling the development of different
kinds of applications the tcl way. Don't patronize the developers by saying
"you might end up with non working code". By the same argument,
many commands the tcl api must be forbitten/removed/whatever.

I would accept arguments like "do it the aolserver way"
instead of the "tcl way", to
- provide ns_* means to detach a stream from a connection thread and
- transfer it to a spooling thread and
- reimplement there something like an ns_fcopy working on streams
without making the visible to the user. But why?

The committed changes aka "this mess" is working since a few
years reliably in production. i just looked it up: yesterday
background delivery was used more than 200.000 times on a
single server here. Are you trying to argue that the change is
reducing the reliability of  the aolserver/openacs?
Talk to to nima, who was close to giving up on openacs due to
performance problems, especially on days when many file downloads

I should also mention that the code in the aolserver module works
together with the request-monitor modules of openacs, where you
see the ongoing foreground and background activities.

And how does "this mess" change, if there is a module just implementing
the two subcommands? you just end up with more maintenance,
more installation effort (updating aolserver startup scripts, updating
build processes, updating FAQs). Maybe it helps the ego of some
developer if one can say "use my module", something, i don't care
Using the code as a module (minus the ability to transfer the channel), here is an example of use (the string bgwrite could easily be changed to anything else, I chose it before I realized that the code doesn't do any bgwriting.):
How about trying to understand what the code does before making a module?

-gustaf neumann

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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