On 5/29/09 4:16 PM, Tom Jackson wrote:
Forcing me to interact with a ticket tracker wouldn't improve my
community involvement, it would probably make contributions even less

What might help me, and maybe others, would be a weekly email summary of
unfinished business, dropped balls, or whatever, sort of a running tally
with new items on top, and stale items toward the bottom.

While SourceForge does have a "patch tracker" it leaves much to be desired.

Perhaps if we had a system where patches and issues could be tracked and a report could be generated and emailed to the mailing list, it would accomplish what you're describing?

If patches could be submitted, and someone else - anyone else - could apply it and test it or otherwise review it and commit it, that would let contributors who may not be prepared to commit the change to at least provide the code that others could review and commit.

Great idea, Tom.  Thanks.

Dossy Shiobara              | do...@panoptic.com | http://dossy.org/
Panoptic Computer Network   | http://panoptic.com/
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
    folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

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