And, finally, the new versions of Apertium Caffeine and the OmegaT plugin
are here!!! You can download Apertium Caffeine
and the OmegaT plugin
You should remove your previous installation (at least the directory for
the packages) before trying them. At the same time, a new version of
apertium-viewer has been released, which can be launched by following
If that doesn't work, run the following command in the terminal:


The binaries, as well as the language pair packages, are now kept at the
new builds/ directory at SVN. A total of 20 language pairs (out of the 31
released pairs at Sourceforge) has shown to be compatible and, thus, have
been released there. All these pairs are naturally supported by Apertium
Caffeine, the OmegaT plugin and apertium-viewer (yes, the new
apertium-viewer can work with online packages too!). When Arink releases
the next version, the Android app will be supporting them as well.

At the same time, all the 20 language pair packages can be launched through
Java Web Start. For instance, you can follow
for apertium-af-nl, or
for apertium-ca-it. For the rest of the pairs, you can look at the
directory structure at . The jnlp
files in each directory are the links for Java Web Start. Their
corresponding JARs can be downloaded and run as standalone programs as well.

As said before, we have 20 working language pairs out of the 31 released
pairs. 7 released pairs depend on external programs that aren't part of
lttoolbox-java (one depends on apertium-pn-recogniser, and the other six on
the Constraint Grammar package) and, thus, are incompatible with it. This
means that there are 4 pairs that should be compatible but, for some
reason, are giving some kind of problem. Let's see if somebody can help me
with them.... These are the pairs along with the error they are giving:

   - apertium-es-ro: Document apertium-es-ro.trules-ro-es.xml does not
   validate against /usr/local/share/apertium/transfer.dtd
   - apertium-oc-ca: Document oc-ca.t1x does not validate against
   - apertium-oc-es: Document oc-es.t1x does not validate against
   - apertium-pt-gl: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "s"

The validation problems happen during compilation, and compilation fails
because of it. The NumberFormatException happens while trying to generate
the transfer bytecode. It seems that the transfer file contains a "s" where
a number is expected... So, any idea about how to solve these problems?
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